Every detail of a journey from diagnosis to surgery and subsequent full recovery should ideally be included in order to obtain the best treatment results for the patient in need of surgery! At the Center for Surgical Science, we have a cross-disciplinary approach to ensure that we can understand and describe the pathophysiology behind poor short and long-term outcomes for patients with malignant or benign diseases and for elective or emergency surgery. Therefore, we include researchers that are experts in clinical and translational research and big data. Our strong, multidisciplinary team of researchers and clinicians are committed to designing the best treatment from diagnosis to full recovery, after state-of-the-art surgery and perioperative care.
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Insights into the molecular and cellular patterns of disease is currently produced at an unpreceded pace. However, the translation of basic research findings into better patient care remains a difficult but important challenge.

Clinical Outcomes
Clinical outcomes are measurable changes in health or quality of life that result from patient care. Research related to clinical outcomes is either identifying issues that needs attention or researching new ways to improve health, survival, quality of life etc.

Big Data &
Personalized Medicine
Utilizing the best globally available solutions to harvest Big Data using Artificial Intelligence in order to accelerate the translation of research results into improved diagnoses, prognoses, and personalized healthcare services.

Nurse Research
Integration of methodology within nursing research brings synergy into the project team, and elucidates research questions from multiple angles. Our focus on personalized medicine including the whole patient trajectory involves cross-disciplinary research methodologies.