For researches in the medical field, the final destination is the patient. All research projects big or small, descriptive, molecular or surgical seeks to improve outcomes for the patients.
The clinical outcome groups of CSS is investigating both positive and negative effects of diagnostics, treatment, pathology and physiology. We seek to measure changes in health, mortality, quality of life, or discover factors that calls for attention and change. This type of research is demanding since it often involves direct contact and involvement of both researches, clinicians and the patients. Our research is focused on patient care and we are always trying to improve and discover what we dont know.
Research in clinical outcomes includes both planned surgery and emergency surgery, as it equally includes both benign and malignant disease.
We include professors, doctors, surgeons, physiotherapists, biologists, pathologist, radiologist and many others in out projects.

- ASAP – abdominal surgery acute protocol.
Researcher: Rune Munch Trangbaek
Description: Decreasing mortality after major emergency abdominal surgery by standardizing and optimizing the pre-, per-, and postoperative course.
- Radiology before burst
Researcher: Rune Munch Trangbaek
Description: Identifying findings on pre-operative CT scans that might be able to predict if patients develop burst abdomen in the post-operative course.
- Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in Abdominal Surgery
Researcher: Kirsten Lykke Wahlstroem
Description: Investigating methylation and cardiovascular response in patients who had preoperative conditioning with remote ischemia.
Researcher: Emilie Colov
Description: Researching the effects of metformin combined with chemotherapy in colorectal cancer.
- Long term recovery after major abdominal emergency surgery
Researcher: Puk Kristiansen
Description: Studying long term outcome after major abdominal emergency surgery in terms of quality of life, pain and performance.
- Heart rate variability in patients undergoing laparoscopic hemicolectomy: a randomised controlled trial
Trial registration no: NCT03570541
Project management: Emma R. Hölmich, Rune P. Hasselager, Katrine B. Tanggard, and Ismail Gögenur
Trial status: Ongoing.
Description: Heart rate variability (HRV) represents the variations of autonomic input to the heart. By recording HRV in patients undergoing laparoscopic hemicolectomy, we attempt to measure the surgical stress response. Patients are randomised to receive an active transmuscular quadratus lumborum block or placebo and the effect of this regional anesthesia on HRV will be evaluated.