The past two years I was working in a surgical department in Munich. To challenge myself but also because I was interested to explore medical research a bit further, I moved to Copenhagen to pursue this part of my career.

02.2021 – present        Phd Student, Center of Surgical Science, Universityhospital Sjælland, Køge

09.2018 – 08.2020       Resident, Department of Surgery, Krankenhaus Martha-Maria, Munich

2012-2018                       Medical Program, Riga Stradins University, Riga

My current research focuses on possible prediction and subsequent prevention of anastomotic leakage in colorectal surgery using quantitative ICG-analysis.

Additionally, we do fundamental research on a new technology that might allow intraoperative continuous monitoring of the perfusion status in different body tissues.

Research keywords

#Quantitative ICG analysis #anastomotic leakage #continuous ICG analysis