Aug 2010 – Jul 2011
Klinisk Basis Uddannelse, Medicinsk afdeling Amager Hospital og Almen Praksis Lisbeth Bonde, Kastrup
Aug 2011 – Oct 2011
Uklassificeret reservelæge, Gastroenheden Herlev Hospital, Kir. sektion
Nov 2011 – Jul 2013
Introduktionsstilling, Gastroenheden Herlev Hospital, Kir. sektion
Jul 2013 – Apr 2014
Uklassificeret reservelæge, Gastroenheden Herlev Hospital, Kir. sektion
Maj 2014 – Nov. 2022
Kirurgisk hoveduddannelse, Sjællands Universitetshospital og Gastroenheden, Herlev Hospital
Nov 2014 – Apr 2015
Læge, Center for Surgical Science, Kirurgisk afdeling, Sjællands Universitetshospital
May 2015 – Apr 2018
Ph.d. studerende, Center for Surgical Science, Sjællands Universitetshospital
Jun 2010
MD, Aarhus University
Jul 2018
Phd., Københavns Universitet
Ph.D. Thesis: The influence of metformin on oncological outcomes in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer.
Tidligere har jeg primært beskæftiget mig med cancer epidemiologi og især farmako-epidemiologi. Særligt hvordan antiinflammatoriske lægemidler, påvirker både kort- og langtids overlevelsen samt risikoen for recidiv efter operation for kolorektal kræft. De seneste år har jeg især beskæftiget mig med forskning indenfor den kirurgiske behandling af inflammatorisk tarmsygdom.
Oct 2016
Vinder af bedste internationale poster ved American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, Washington
- Crone V, Hasselager RH, Fransgaard T, Gögenur I Anaesthetic technique and outcomes after colorectal cancer surgery.Dan Med J. 2020 Apr;67(4):A04190255.
- Mohamed K, Hansen C, Krarup P-M, Fransgard T et al. The impact of anastomotic leakage on recurrence and long-term survival in patients with colonic cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis Eur J Surg Oncol . 2020 Mar;46(3):439-447
- Watt S,Fransgaard T, Degett T et al. Associations between blood cultures after surgery for colorectal cancer and long-term oncological outcomes. Br J Surg. 2020 Feb;107(3):310-315
- Schack A, Fransgaard T, Klein MF, Gögenur I: Perioperative Use of Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Decreases the Risk of Recurrence of Cancer After Colorectal Resection: A Cohort Study Based on Prospective Data. Ann Surg Oncol. 2019 Nov;26(12):3826-3837
- Fransgaard T, Hallas J, Thygesen LC, Gögenur I. Association of Statin Use and Oncological Outcomes After Neoadjuvant Radiotherapy in Patients With Rectal Cancer. Anticancer Res. 2019 Apr;39(4):2177-2182
- Fransgaard T, Hallas J, Thygesen LC, Gögenur I. Association between diabetes and oncological outcomes in patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemo-radiotherapy for rectal cancer. Surg Oncol. 2019 Mar;28:62-66
- Pinar I, Fransgaard T, Thygesen LC, Gögenur I. Long-Term Outcomes of Robot-Assisted Surgery in Patients with Colorectal Cancer.Ann Surg Oncol. 2018 Dec;25(13):3906-3912
- Colov EP, Fransgaard T, Klein M, Gögenur I. Validation of a register-based algorithm for recurrence in rectal cancer.Dan Med J. 2018 Oct;65(10).
- Fransgaard T, Pinar I, Thygesen LC, Gögenur I. Association between robot-assisted surgery and resection quality in patients with colorectal cancer. Surg Oncol. 2018 Jun;27(2):177-184.
- Pinar I, Fransgaard T, Abdul-Wahid, Gögenur I: Association between Abdominal Free Fluid and Postoperative Complications and Mortality in Patients with Small-Bowel Obstruction. Scand J surg 2019 Mar; 108 (1): 36-41
- Fransgaard T, Thygesen LC, Gögenür I: Statin use is not associated with improved 30-day survival in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer. International Journal of Colorectal Disease 2018, 33; 199-207
- Fransgaard T, Thygesen LC, Gögenur I. Association between metformin use after surgery for colorectal cancer and oncological outcomes: A nationwide register-based study. Int J Cancer. 2018 Jul 1;143(1):63-72
- Fransgaard T, Thygesen LC, Gögenür I: Metformin increase overall survival in patients with diabetes undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 2016 May;23(5):1569-75
- Fransgaard T, Thygesen LC, Gögenür I: Increased 30-day mortality in patients with diabetes undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer. Colorectal Dis. 2016 Jan;18(1):O22-9
- Fransgaard T, Gögenür I: Metformin kan nedsætte risikoen for kolorektal cancer. Ugeskr Laeger. 2015 18;177(21).
- Eriksen TF, Lassen CB, Gögenür I: Treatment with corticosteroids and the risk of anastomotic leakage following lower gastrointestinal surgery: a literature survey. Colorectal Dis. 2014 16(5): O154-60
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